2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

Without doubt, differences between learning General English and ESP exist. The most important difference lies in the learners, their purposes for learning English. People learn ESP in order to make their Professional skills better. What is more, learning ESP is much more difficult than learning General English. For this reason we must know some methods of learning English for Specific Purpose.

First of all, we must be sure what we are interested in this subject what we are learning. Integrate into a subject matter area is important to the learner. Interest and motivation are ones of the most important aspects in successful learning. It is much easier to learn materials which we find interesting and which we can use in our further studies or professional work. What is more, our general knowledge of English is also very important. Withought it we won‘t learn ESP at all.

For learning ESP it is useful to read similar material in our native language to get general information about it. It is also good to use printed and audio-visual materials that are specially designed for the specific groups of learners. We also shouldn’t forget to read books on ESP.

During ESP course we are going to learn a lot of absolutely new termini for us but we should not forgot that in won‘t be so easy. We should be patient, accurate and I am sure what we will deal with it!

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