2008 m. gruodžio 10 d., trečiadienis

Self-Assessment of success in learning ESP

My name is Irena Andruškevič, I am first year student of psychology on Mykolo Romerio University. The aim of this work is to analyze my success in learning ESP during first term.

I have written a few summaries during this term. Despite that at the beginning, I was good at writing summaries, the last my work was not such good as previous ones. For my last summary, I have only five, but I believe that my previous works were better graded. To my mind, my summary writing skills has improved comparing with my skills before I had started learning ESP.

My comprehension tests on modules in psychology were quite successful. I have noticed that my grade was depending on difficulty of the module. My lowest mark was 3.3 and highest was 10.

I enjoyed making power point presentation on drug use. It was extremely beneficial for me because during preparation I have found a lot of new and useful information for the future psychologist. It was good opportunity to improve speaking in public.

To my mind, my impromptu speaking in class was satisfying. Speaking has always been my asset in English so I had no problems with it. On the other side, it was something new because I had to speak on psychological topics.

My listening performance is good enough, but not perfect. I wish I had been better in it because these skills are very important for psychologist.

I was satisfied with my writing contributions to E-portfolio. It was useful and creative work. I have always been writing my works before the deadline, unfortunately I do not know my grades for those works. In the beginning, I had some difficulties with my weblog but I managed to deal with them.

To sum up, I can say that my ESP has improved rather slightly, because one term is too short period to learn ESP perfectly.

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