2009 m. kovo 20 d., penktadienis

Psychology at MRU and Abroad

Aim of this work is to compare programmes of Bachelor Studies in Psychology in three universities. First university is Mykolo Romerio University in Vilnius, Lithuania. Second university is University of Warsaw, Poland, and third Argos University in Atlanta, Austria.

First of all, Bachelor studies in MRU an Argos University last four year while in Warsaw university three years. In all three universities, programmes of Bachelor Studies in Psychology are designed to grant a European standard of bachelor qualification in Psychology. A minimum of 160 credits must be earned during course of study.

What’s more, one of the main differences between universities is that only in Argos University students in the Bachelor Studies program can choose one of two concentration areas: Criminal Justice or Organizational Psychology. Because of this, students in Argos University have only three obligatory courses every term and six subjects from electives during four years. In Mykolo Romerio University students have six obligatory subjects plus one elective every term, plus eighth credits elective during four years. Warsaw University students have six obligatory subjects plus one elective every term and eleven out of 160 must be earned outside the Faculty of Psychology during three years.

It is quite strange, but similar obligatory courses in all this three universities are only: Statistics, History of Psychology and Research methods. Other subjects in one university are obligatory in other elective.

Very important difference is also number of elective subjects in these universities. In Romerio university students can choose one elective subject only from two or three electives during one term. In Warsaw University students choose one subject from ten, it is enough to choose something that fits for you. Argos University students choose elective subject from twenty others. To my mind, it is more than enough.

As we can see, different universities offer different courses, so students must examine ole variants to find the most suitable.


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