2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Have you ever thought about stealing a piece of bubblegum from the store and given in?? Then you could probably become a kleptomaniac.If you don‘t know what it is we will discuss it right now.

True kleptomania is a very rare condition when people steal things that they don‘t need at all. Often they throw away the stolen goods, as they are interested in the stealing itself. Kleptomania is different from shoplifting because shoplifters plan stealing and usually steal because they do not have money while kleptomaniacs don‘t premeditate their actions.

Kleptomania is more common with females than with males. It is very difficult to count exact number of people with this problem. However, people with kleptomania often have another psychic disorder, commonly a disorder such as depression. Psychologists says that most people with stealing problem are really crying for help.

Acording to the recent statistic 75% of kleptomaniacs are adult age. Most of them steal in department stores, other steals in supermarkets, specialty shops and some in convience stores. Every year people with this disorder steal for really helfy sum.

Kleptomania is a very rare condition that is why people with this problem need specialized treatment. Therapy may be in groups or with one person only. Main point in this cure is to find out what the motivating factors for stealing are. It may also include behavior modification therapy or family therapy. Sometimes medication drugs such as : Prozac, Luvox, are included in the treatment.

For kleptomans the most important thing is not to despair because there is always way out!!

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