2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Laughter

Not many of us realise that laughter is a fundamental part of everyday life. Strange sounds like „ha ha ha“, „ho ho ho“, „hi hi hi“ are parts of universal human vocabulary produced and recognized by people all around the world.

Sometimes we can‘t even understand why we are laughing. Most people think that laughter is a simple response to a comedy, but really we don‘t need a comedy to laug. Laughter is a hidden language that we all speak, usually laughing express our positive emotions.

There is little research on how and why we laugh, but it is known that stimulus for laughter is another person, not only a joke. That is more healthy laughter provides physiological benefits. Laughing lowers blood pressure, reduce stress hormones.It is also known that during laughing process releases endorphine, the body‘s natural painkiller, and produces a general feeling of well-being.

Experts believe that, laughter can reduce pain and aid healing process. People who have laughter therapy before surgery or before painful procedures perceive less pain comparing to those who didn‘t get a dose of humor.

Laughter is a gift that we have been given after birth, so we should enjoy it as it is very beneficial.

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