2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Analytical summary

Main point of this work is to analyse key concepts for chapter 1 from Robert S. Feldman‘s book „Understanding Psychology”.

In first module „Psychology At Work” Robert S. Feldman illustrates the science of psychology, it’s minuses and pluses. Moreover, he is analising main specialties in
the field pf psychology. Author shows the oportunities on working at psychology.

Second module „A Science Evolvs: The Past, the Present and the Future” cointains short history of psychology. Author puts emphasy on major approches in this science.
What is more R. S. Fieldman introduces the most famous psychologists of all times.

Final module „Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies” involves information
about culture, ethnicity and race influence on human behavior. Secondly R. S.
Feldman shows the future of psychology and it’s perspectives.

In chapter 1 Robert S. Feldman explains basic information on science of psychology

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