2008 m. lapkričio 25 d., antradienis

Learning ESP

Without doubt, differences between learning General English and ESP exist. The most important difference lies in the learners, their purposes for learning English. People learn ESP in order to make their Professional skills better. What is more, learning ESP is much more difficult than learning General English. For this reason we must know some methods of learning English for Specific Purpose.

First of all, we must be sure what we are interested in this subject what we are learning. Integrate into a subject matter area is important to the learner. Interest and motivation are ones of the most important aspects in successful learning. It is much easier to learn materials which we find interesting and which we can use in our further studies or professional work. What is more, our general knowledge of English is also very important. Withought it we won‘t learn ESP at all.

For learning ESP it is useful to read similar material in our native language to get general information about it. It is also good to use printed and audio-visual materials that are specially designed for the specific groups of learners. We also shouldn’t forget to read books on ESP.

During ESP course we are going to learn a lot of absolutely new termini for us but we should not forgot that in won‘t be so easy. We should be patient, accurate and I am sure what we will deal with it!

2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Analytical summary

Main point of this work is to analyse key concepts for chapter 1 from Robert S. Feldman‘s book „Understanding Psychology”.

In first module „Psychology At Work” Robert S. Feldman illustrates the science of psychology, it’s minuses and pluses. Moreover, he is analising main specialties in
the field pf psychology. Author shows the oportunities on working at psychology.

Second module „A Science Evolvs: The Past, the Present and the Future” cointains short history of psychology. Author puts emphasy on major approches in this science.
What is more R. S. Fieldman introduces the most famous psychologists of all times.

Final module „Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies” involves information
about culture, ethnicity and race influence on human behavior. Secondly R. S.
Feldman shows the future of psychology and it’s perspectives.

In chapter 1 Robert S. Feldman explains basic information on science of psychology

2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Laughter

Not many of us realise that laughter is a fundamental part of everyday life. Strange sounds like „ha ha ha“, „ho ho ho“, „hi hi hi“ are parts of universal human vocabulary produced and recognized by people all around the world.

Sometimes we can‘t even understand why we are laughing. Most people think that laughter is a simple response to a comedy, but really we don‘t need a comedy to laug. Laughter is a hidden language that we all speak, usually laughing express our positive emotions.

There is little research on how and why we laugh, but it is known that stimulus for laughter is another person, not only a joke. That is more healthy laughter provides physiological benefits. Laughing lowers blood pressure, reduce stress hormones.It is also known that during laughing process releases endorphine, the body‘s natural painkiller, and produces a general feeling of well-being.

Experts believe that, laughter can reduce pain and aid healing process. People who have laughter therapy before surgery or before painful procedures perceive less pain comparing to those who didn‘t get a dose of humor.

Laughter is a gift that we have been given after birth, so we should enjoy it as it is very beneficial.

Psychology of Kleptomania

Have you ever thought about stealing a piece of bubblegum from the store and given in?? Then you could probably become a kleptomaniac.If you don‘t know what it is we will discuss it right now.

True kleptomania is a very rare condition when people steal things that they don‘t need at all. Often they throw away the stolen goods, as they are interested in the stealing itself. Kleptomania is different from shoplifting because shoplifters plan stealing and usually steal because they do not have money while kleptomaniacs don‘t premeditate their actions.

Kleptomania is more common with females than with males. It is very difficult to count exact number of people with this problem. However, people with kleptomania often have another psychic disorder, commonly a disorder such as depression. Psychologists says that most people with stealing problem are really crying for help.

Acording to the recent statistic 75% of kleptomaniacs are adult age. Most of them steal in department stores, other steals in supermarkets, specialty shops and some in convience stores. Every year people with this disorder steal for really helfy sum.

Kleptomania is a very rare condition that is why people with this problem need specialized treatment. Therapy may be in groups or with one person only. Main point in this cure is to find out what the motivating factors for stealing are. It may also include behavior modification therapy or family therapy. Sometimes medication drugs such as : Prozac, Luvox, are included in the treatment.

For kleptomans the most important thing is not to despair because there is always way out!!