2009 m. gegužės 9 d., šeštadienis

True Happiness

True happiness is such a rare psychical state that the whole of the world is trying but can not find it. Why is happiness such an infrequent thing? Maybe, it is not where all of us have been looking for it.

Somehow, different nations have different understanding of happiness. However, thus nations that may be thought of be unhappy, claim that they are happy. Australia or Africa, people there sometimes even do not have what to drink, but steel they are smiling and feeling good. So what is wrong with Lithuania people? Why in World Average Happiness In 95 Nations our position is only 83? It can be because of cold and wet climate, low salaries, nation features or… Attitude to daily things what can bring happiness, but are ignored. Lithuanian people should more pay attention to simply, everyday things like spending time with friends, playing with pets, watching interesting films, enjoying free time activities. This, sometimes forgotten things, usually bring more pleasure than money or power.

“You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation.” This famous happiness quote by Bette Davis is perfect example of what can we do to get out of this happiness crisis.

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