2009 m. gruodžio 3 d., ketvirtadienis


My name is Irena Andruškevič, I am second year student of psychology on Mykolo Romerio University. The aim of this work is to analyze my success in learning ESP during third term.

To my mind, I have not improved my summery writing skills. Probably, my summaries are better than in the first term but still there is a lot to improve. As ESP course is going to an end so I will try improve summary writing skills on my own.

My vocabulary tests on modules in psychology were not as successful as last term. They were even worse than during first term. The reason could be that they were much more difficult. My average result is only 65%.

As in previous terms my listening performance is good enough, but not perfect. I am better at multiple-choice activities and the most difficult activity for me is blank filling.

I enjoyed making power point presentation on child developmental stages. I was satisfied with my results. I enjoyed listening peers power point presentations.

Unfortunately, this term was only few short talks on ESP themes. I really enjoyed preparing short talks ant it was a good opportunity to earn a good mark.

To sum up, I can say that ESP course this term was more difficult than previous year. I hope that in future I will improve my ESP skills.
