2009 m. rugsėjo 28 d., pirmadienis

Self-Assessment of Success in Listening Practice

I am second year student of psychology on Mykolo Romerio University. The aim of this work is to analyze my success in online listening practise. From the list of programmes that focus on psychology I have chosen “Psychology of driving“ and “ Impact of cat’s purring on their owners”.

The rate of speaking was not very fast in both listening. I managed to hear every word that they have said but it was difficult to understand where the ends of the sentence are. I have listened to them twice like in exam.

To my mind, the most useful exercises for improving listening skills are multiple-choice exercises. During this exercises we have different options to choose and while searching which is suitable we analyse text more accurate.

My listening skills are good enough, but not perfect. Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand authentic speech and sometimes I understand it perfectly. Main problem is that, usually, I am sure that I have heard correct answer but it is no true.

If I had to take the listening exam today probably, I would pass it but you never know... However, I have some time before the listening exam so it is possible to improve my listening skills. I started to watch my favourite TV series without translation and I found a friend from England to correspond.

I hope that listening exam paper will not be as difficult as I expect and I will manage to pass it easily.

