2008 m. spalio 2 d., ketvirtadienis

My Future Profesion

Psychology is related with all most important fields of human life.Probably I have chosen it because of this.I am not going to say that I want to solve problems of all society but it is true that it would be realy great to make something important, something that could help others to deal with their problems.It is not an easy to make the right choice of a future job but I believe that my chosen profesion is one of the best.

I have realized that there are a lot of different career options within psychology.But on the other hand, it can be very hard to find a job in the future, because psychology is not very popular in Lithuania, hovever I strongly believe that I will be one of thous successful psychologists that are self - employed.Pozitive thinking is esencial for every psychologist and I am going to use it!